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Tips for Managing Your Money as a College Student

Being a university student implies having a great responsibility, especially when we decide to study away from home. The costs of food, transportation, and basic services become a priority and therefore we must begin to manage our money well. Many times the idea of saving is very complicated because we spend money on other activities, such as eating constantly in the street or looking for college essay for sale without taking into account how harmful it can be to our pocket.

That is why as a measure to help you increase savings in your daily life we have compiled the best tips to save as a college student and not only that, to provide you with options for monetary increase, we will also provide you with the best ways to earn money as a college student.

How can you save money as a college student?

We must always keep in mind saving, since it is the most effective way to survive, especially if you are a college student, but, for sure you are wondering how to save money as a college student? With these simple tips, we will help you find the easiest way to save and solve your problems.

Establish a budget

Budgeting may not be the most exciting task, but as complicated as it sounds, having a budget is the first step to saving money. Creating a budget involves knowing how much we need to spend on basic services such as water, electricity, housing, transportation, cell phone, and food.

To begin creating their budget they can start with a spreadsheet that shows their income either from scholarships, savings, parents, or any part-time jobs they have. This way they write down the regular expenses mentioned above and then subtract them from the income expenses; after this, they will be able to see exactly what their availability is to spend each month on anything extra they need, however, a better option is to save it. By doing this practice successively they will further increase savings and keep track of their finances as this is the best way to avoid wasting money.

For this way of saving as a college student to work, it is essential that you stick to your budget and stick to it, so you can stay on top of your bills without going broke.

Cooking at home

One of the reasons why you spend more money when you are in college is because of eating out. Many times we prefer some fast food instead of cooking at home, either because of time or laziness, we do not say it is wrong, but, doing it constantly affects the pocket. Fast food will always be a good option to resort to when we do not bring food, however, we must be aware of how constantly we consume it for the sake of our health and our money.

Food is very important for the good performance in our activities that is why a good tip to save money in college as far as food is concerned, is to prepare your food at home, in any free time you can prepare your lunches and refrigerate them so that you only have to heat them in the morning before leaving for college. This option is healthier and more pocket friendly, but if you do not want to cook or do not have the necessary time, many universities have cafeterias and this also allows you to save weekly.

Save and exercise

We know that a lot of money in our budget goes to transportation as it is the most convenient way to get to a place. One way to increase savings is to look at other alternatives available in the city, either walking or biking; this is a way that not only favors savings but is also good for our physical and mental health, plus you only need your energy for transportation. This is the easiest way to save money as a college student since you only need your motivation to do it.

Housing sharing

One way to reduce the cost of housing, electricity, and water is to share housing. By interacting with different people in the same home we learn to be more responsible, and organized and it allows us to mature, and in the same way, it helps us to save a little on the monthly bills that are usually the most expensive for every college student.

Another highly recommended option is to live in the university facilities, many universities have the advantage of having student residences, this helps a great deal since it saves on basic monthly utilities.

Take advantage of student discounts

With the university card, you can take advantage of various discounts offered by different establishments such as food establishments. A great advantage of using the university card as a method of saving is that leisure activities are very economical, movies, theaters, excursions, concerts, museums, and even sports activities can be done with this card at a very low price, and sometimes it is free! These are very good alternatives when you want to share with friends or just want to have fun, but without going over budget, a simple way to save money.

Be organized

When studying away from home we must keep in mind that the bills will not pay themselves and that is why we must keep track of when to pay them. It is very important to pay on time and thus avoid accumulating debts that later generate a headache, for that we recommend you to write down the payment dates of your bills and keep them handy in a visible place, such as the refrigerator or dresser, so you can check them and know when the day of payment is approaching. 

Another tip is to dedicate a little time each week to review your finances, by this we mean to review your budget and see how much you have saved or if you need to make adjustments. The organization makes many things easier for us, that is why it is vital to have it when applying savings.


With these tips to save money in college, we are sure that the idea of saving money will no longer be so difficult. Implement these tips and you will see how you will achieve a better financial status in a short time, making saving a necessary activity in your day-to-day life. 

One way to alleviate debts and various expenses is to get an extra income, implement a way to earn money in which you are comfortable and together with savings you will be able to support yourself without any problem.